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The Book Cabinet – L'armoire à bouquins

I had already seen similar initiatives in Germany but it’s the first time I’ve seen a “help-yourself” book cabinet in France. This one is on Place Marceau in Chartres. The cabinet, which has a glass door on both sides, is the result of a visit to Spire, Chartres’ “twin town” in Germany by one of the town’s cultural représentatives. So that explains that! We acquired a new gardening book.
J’avais déjà vu des initiatives similaires en Allemagne mais c’est la première fois que je vois une armoire à bouquins gratuits en France. Celle-ci se trouve Place Marceau à Chartres. L’armoire qui a une porte vitrée de chaque côté est le résultat d’une visite à Spire, la ville allemande jumelée avec Chartres par l’adjointe à la culture. Tout s’explique ! Nous avons acquis un nouveau livre de jardinage.

12 replies on “The Book Cabinet – L'armoire à bouquins”

The books are free and you can take and add to the cabinet as you like. We took a book but didn’t have anything to give instead.

It’s run by the local council so I assume there is someone in charge though I can’t find out any more details.

The building in our village that used to house La Poste is crying out to be ‘converted’ to a café and I want to include a library (french & english books) inside. It would appear that no-one is allowed to run such a venture without far too much ‘paperwork’ and that it could be done with local volunteers still makes it a non starter.
Shame as we could do with a local get together café.

That is so annoying, isn’t it? Maybe you could put this idea forward instead citing Chartres as an example?

This is so interesting, and reading your explanations is doing wonders for my French! Thank you so much for sharing. x

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