After several days of endless rain, we were relieved to see the sun when we woke up this morning. After being soaked with rain for the last few days, the viburnum has perked up considerably..
Après des journées très pluvieuses, on était bien contente de trouver le soleil au réveil aujourd’hui. Les fleurs de viorne désormais gorgées d’eau ont pu relever enfin leurs têtes !
4 replies on “Sun's Out! – Enfin du soleil !”
It certainly looks well in bloom.
What a beautiful garden wall.
They do look like happy campers.
@William – they are quite striking
@Helen – I cleaned off all the moss on the left side about a month ago to make way for the clematis but still have to do the right one – before the hollyhocks are too high.
@Stuart – The viburnum decorates the street side, the courtyard and our little house next door.