Nettle Leaf Plant Food Forbidden? – Purin d'orties interdit ?

Nettle leaf plant food, an excellent organic fertilizer, was taken off the market in France in 2006 because it has not been approved for sale. If you want some, you have to make it. Jean Michel is using his electric hand-held grass clippers to shred the leaves which have to be immersed in water for 3 or 4 weeks.
Le purin d’orties connu comme un bon engrais bio est interdit à la vente en France depuis 2006 parce qu’il n’est pas homologué. Si vous en voulez il faut en faire vous-même. Jean Michel utilise sa taille-herbe électrique sans fil pour hacher les feuilles qui doivent être immergées dans l’eau pendant 3 ou 4 semaines.

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  1. Does JM have any advice on a homebrew weedkiller that we can use now that glyphosate has been outlawed?

  2. @Lesley – Unfortunately, the only weedkiller that is environmentally acceptable is human.
    @William – It certainly is.
    @Daniel – Yes, you can even make soup.
    @Helen – Jean Michel is a country boy – I’m the city girl!

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