Châteaux de la Loire Cycling

The View before the Fall – La vue avant la chute

There we were happily cycling along when I looked to the right and saw this château on the right we’d never seen before. To take the photo we had to go down a gravel road marked Private. We took it anyway but in my haste I skidded on the gravel as I stopped but didn’t manage to save myself so fell flat on my back with the (rather heavy) bike on top of me! Jean Michel came and pulled the bike off me. I got up wailing with a rather sore rear end, a grazed elbow and a jarred head thanking my decision to buy a bike helmet in Germany last year. It has taken a few days to feel right again but we were able to cycle again the next day. In case you’re wondering I took the photo after I fell.
On faisait tranquillement du vélo lorsque j’ai regardé à droite et j’ai vu un château qu’on ne connaissait pas. Pour prendre une photo il fallait emprunter un chemin à gravillons avec un panneau qui indiquait Privé. Nous l’avons pris quand même. En m’arrêtant trop vite j’ai glissé sur les gravillons et je n’ai pas réussi à me sauver. Je suis tombée sur dos avec le vélo (plutôt lourd) sur moi. Jean Michel est arrivé pour soulever le vélo et j’ai pu me lever en protestant à cause de mes fesses bien douloureuses, le coude râpé et la tête secouée mais bien contente d’avoir décidé d’acheter un casque en Allemagne l’année dernière. Il a fallut quelques jours pour me remettre d’aplomb mais nous avons pu refaire du vélo le lendemain. Au cas où vous vous posez la question, j’ai pris la photo après la chute.

7 replies on “The View before the Fall – La vue avant la chute”

Argh. La chute. That is my fear on a bicycle (I’m old, but never was very good on one). I hope you recover well and keep wearing a helmet. Glad to see you could still operate a camera. Which you have done very well and I have greatly enjoyed your photos and comments.

[…] It was incredibly warm this afternoon – 18 degrees Celsius – so we couldn’t resist getting our bikes out. Nearly three hours in the saddle and 45 km were probably a bit much for our first bike ride this year. The last time I took a photo of this 18th century chateau (Domaine de Seillac), which is now a holiday resort, I skidded on the gravel and fell off my bike! Fortunately I was wearing my helmet. […]

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