When I was growing up in the north of Australia among frangipani trees, gum trees and coconut palms, poppies were flowers in English novels. I can still remember my first poppies when I arrived in France, along the railway line. They have remained one of my favourites.
Lorsque j’ai grandi dans le nord de l’Australie parmi les plumeria (également nommés frangipanier), eucalyptus et cocotiers, je connaissais les coquelicots uniquement dans les romans britanniques. Ces belles fleurs rouges sont restés une de mes fleurs préférées.
They’re really such a lovely flower, even with the associations of the war.
Well, you got the perfect shot of ’em.
I’m always blown away with how they grow in ‘the ‘wild’. So beautiful and at the same time symbolic!
Just love this shot.
@ Yes, I try not to think too much of the war associations.
@ Stuart. Thank you.
@ Helen. I can remember being overwhelmed by the wild flowers when I first moved to moved. I used to go and lie in the fields of buttercups! I even had poppies and other wildflowers on my first wedding dress …