Albert Thouvin is reconstructing this old windmill outside Souvigny-en-Soulogne entirely at his own expense, following its destruction in 1930, doing a lot of the work himself and raising money by holding jazz concerts. What a pity we missed the one on 24th June!
Albert Thouvin rénove à ses propres frais ce vieux moulin à Souvigny-en-Soulogne, détruit en 1930, en faisant beaucoup du travail lui-même et en collectant des fonds, par exemple, avec des concerts de jazz. Quel dommage que nous ayons manqué celui du 24 juin ! Pour plus d’informations cliquez ici.
4 replies on “Renovating a Windmill – Renovation d'un moulin à vent”
If he destroyed it at his own expense I should jolly well hope he is reconstructing it! 🙂 But he must be a considerable age now…
Well, I had better rewrite that one! At least I got it right in French :).
I can see that being a whole lot of work!
What a wonderful old windmill. Sure worth the effort of a restore.
Nice pics.
Cheers Penny…