The signpost indicates three walking trails: the blue and yellow ones are local but the red and white one is part of an extensive nationwide network called GR for Grande Randonnée (Major Hike). Jean Michel and I have a joke that if there is mud it’s a GR.
Le panneau indique trois sentiers de randonnée dont deux de Blois et un GR. Avec Jean Michel on a l’habitude de dire que s’il y a de la boue, c’est un GR.
Very funny!
I wish our trails, mud or no mud, were more clearly marked.
My worst memory of a GR is discovering, after walking through endless muddy fields among cows, that there was no longer a bridge where it should have been. We had to retrace our steps through the mud. It was my birthday and I was worried we wouldn’t make it back in time to go to the Michelin star restaurant we had booked. But it all worked out in the end and it was one of the best meals ever!
Oh no! Thank goodness.