Happy New Year 2025 Bonne année

Every year, well ahead of spring, we have two little clumps of jonquils that brighten up the garden giving us hope for the New Year! Tous les ans, bien en amont du printemps, nous avons deux touffes de narcisses qui mettent de la couleur au jardin et nous donne de l’espoir pour le Nouvel An!

Celestial Musings – Réflexions célestes

Artist duo Frank Moth from Thessaloniki in Greece is responsible for the 2023 edition of the Denis Papin staircase in Blois. You may remember some others. Le duo d’artistes Frank Moth de Thessaloniki en Grèce est l’auteur de l’édition 2023 de l’escalier De is Papin à Blois. Vous vous souviendrez peut-être d’autres.

Snowdrops & Daffodils – Perce-neiges & Jonquilles

A very late happy new year for 2022! I’ve been in Boston visiting my beautiful 5-month old grandson for the last two weeks and as you can see from the second photo, the view of my son’s back garden taken just after the recent blizzard, is very different from mine. It may be colder in …

Christmas Dresses – Robes de Noël

Just in case you thought I’d disappeared, I’m safe and sound. After we arrived in Boston, all my time and energy were devoted to my beautiful grandson. When we got back to Blois, having left half my heart behind, I suffered badly from jet lag for more than two weeks. I have been trying to …

Pavillon de l’octroi

In the middle of the 19th century, the Mayor of Blois decided to levy a tax on goods entering Blois, a commun practice at the time. A total of sixteen customs houses were built on the roads leading into Blois, two near the train station. The tax was abolished in 1920 and all but three …

First Outdoor Barbecue of the Year – Premier barbecue extérieur de l’année

I say first outdoor barbecue of the year because we use our fireplace to cook meat during the winter. This was the first evening this spring without a cold north wind. Hooray! Je dis premier barbecue extérieur parce nous faisons cuire la viande dans la cheminée pendant l’hiver. C’était la première soirée du printemps sans …