Just in case you thought I’d disappeared, I’m safe and sound. After we arrived in Boston, all my time and energy were devoted to my beautiful grandson. When we got back to Blois, having left half my heart behind, I suffered badly from jet lag for more than two weeks. I have been trying to catch up with my translation work ever since … We have had our Covid booster shots and are being extra careful so that I can go and visit my grandson again in January.
In the meantime I thought you might like these Christmas dresses at our Saturday market.
Au cas où vous pensiez que j’avais disparu, je suis saine et sauve. Après notre arrivée à Boston, tout mon temps et mon énergie ont été consacrés à mon magnifique petit-fils. Lorsque nous sommes rentrés à Blois, ayant laissé la moitié de mon cœur derrière nous, j’ai souffert du décalage horaire pendant plus de deux semaines. Depuis, j’essaie de rattraper le retard de mes traductions … Nous avons eu nos rappels du vaccin Covid et nous faisons très attention pour que je puisse aller voir mon petit-fils en janvier.
En attendant, j’ai pensé que vous pourriez aimer ces robes de Noël au marché du samedi.

I have seen something similar done here.
I felt sure that you had thought leaving the US a bad idea after all the hoops required to get there and the new grandson.
Certainly wouldn’t wear one of these for dancing! But then again they would keep people 6 feet away.