The Mossy Throne – Le trône moussu

We went for a long walk today with lots of mud and moss. At least it didn’t rain although we couldn’t take one of the paths because it was completely under water. Nous avons fait une longue promenade aujourd’hui avec beaucoup de boue et de mousse. Au moins il n’a pas plu mais on n’a …

Some Mushrooms at Last – Quelques champignons enfin

One of the reasons we chose to move to Blois is that is had several State forests which means we can collect wild mushrooms. However this is the second autumn that they have been very scarce due to the dry weather. Jean Michel did find a few Craterellus tubaeformis and boletus on Friday though before …

Rain Forest Road – Route du rain de la forêt

This isn’t really Rain Forest Road but some Australian friends staying in the area assumed it was. “Rain” is actually a dialect word for ravine (the middle consonant was dropped as it often is in French) as this part of the forest behind our street is full of hills and dales. Le terme “rain” provient …

Orange Bolete – Bolet orangé

This lovely specimen of the orange bolete (Leccinum aurantiacum) is perfectly edible. The typical tubes of boletes under the cap (as opposed to the gills of field mushrooms) can be clearly seen. These mushrooms can be found right through to December. Ce beau spécimen de bolet orangé (Leccinum aurantiacum) est parfaitement comestible. Les tubes typiques des bolets …

Unidentified Underwater Object – Objet immergé non-identifié

Liliane Allouin took this photo recently when the Cosson was flooded. I can’t imagine what the roof belongs to! I’m waiting for her answer …Any idea? Liliane Allouin a pris cette photo récemment lors de la crue du Cosson. Je ne sais pas du tout à quoi correspond ce toit. J’attends sa réponse …Des idées …