A Museum in Sologne – Un musée en Sologne

Yesterday was cold and windy so we stayed home and worked so we could go to Romorantin today instead. It was still windy but the sky was clear and it was warmer at 12 degrees Celsius (54 F). Romorantin is the capital of Sologne, known for its ponds and venison. It is also the name …

A lake in Sologne – Un lac en Sologne

Sologne is a vast area of about 5,000 square kilometers that starts slightly south east of Blois and is bound on the north by the Loire River and on the south by one of its affluents, the Cher. It includes château de Chambord and is known for its many lakes, ponds, marshes and forests. Its …

Boar sighting in Blois – Sanglier vu à Blois

We were taking a walk in Les Grouets when we sighted this boar head on a garage. The sign beneath says “Le Petit Vautrait”. A “vautrait” is a pack of hounds for wild boar hunting. We’re just next door to Sologne, the former hunting ground of François I. C’est en se promenant dans le quartier …